This is the most common race in
all of the lands created. In this
story, Humans known as Hylians
are the main focus. In passing,
the Labrynnian and Holodumian
have been mentioned, but have
never really been seen. It is
also known that the Terminians
are dead.
- Hylian
Hylians are the
predominate life form found in
Hyrule. They have made their
presense known throughout the
lands, and ultimately, it was
a Hylian who brought the
different races together.
Thus, is the reasoning why a
Hylian royal is considered a
royal of all of Hyrule.
- Sheikah:
The elusive group known as
the Sheikah are a subgroup
of Human. Having their own
culture and customs, the
Sheikah are still
genetically Human. They
were made by the Hylians to
be Royal Gaurds at the
castle, But it is known
that as far as 500 years
before the events of this
story that all the Sheikah
had died, save one or two.
It is theorized that the
Sheikah commited mass
suicide at Hylia Castle,
for that was their
stronghold, and the Sheikah
seemingly disappeared over
night on a Cataclysm
- Messhiach:
This unknown race is the
origin of the Madame Moda.
Their name is a play off of
the word 'messiah', for they
believed that they would save
Hyrule in their worship of
Creation. They lived
underwater, but it is unknown
in what time period they
existed; be it the past,
present, or future. Not much
else is known about them.
- Gerudo:
The Gerudo form one of
the most distinct groups of
Human race. Sometimes
scientists wonder if they can
even be considered Human with
their unique genetic
The Gerudo, primarily formed
from women, are almost
identical to Humans in outward
appearance, except that they
have striking red hair, tanned
skin, and unpointed ears. Most
have rather pointed noses.
Normally, there are no men in
the Gerudo populace, but every
100 years a male is born to be
crowned the King of
Thieves. Legend says that
one such King was the cause of
great Evil many years ago.
To reproduce the Gerudo go
into towns on their Boy
Hunts, to find a mate.
Some theorize that the Gerudo
gene is dominant over the
other races, for any child of
a Gerudo is always Gerudo.
Gerudo are not as much of a
novelty as before, for they
come into villages more
frequently on Boy
Hunts, though their main
settlment is the Gerudo
Fortress in the
This amphibious race
lives in the eastern part of
Hyrule, as well as some
settlements in Lake Hylia, and
remote areas on other worlds.
This race is a strict monarchy,
having the Do Von family in power
for the past twenty-two
Zora have the ability to generate
electricity as a defense
mechanism. Some Zora can even
fire off their fins like
boomerangs to fend off
- Zola:
It is known that much like the
Gerudo, a band of female Zora
left Zora's Domain to create
their own place in the world.
These women have no regard for
other creatures and wont
hesitate to attack oncoming
travelers. Although, Link and
his friends have never
encountered any.
These generally layed
back creatures take residence in
Death Mountain. They eat rocks
and have the ability to roll at
high speeds. They are powerful,
but seem to lack intelligence to
make up for it. In this day and
age. much prejudice is seen
towards the Gorons.
This race of children was
created by the Deku Tree for
reasons unknown. As long as they
stay in the forest they will
never age, thus living a
childhood for eternity. Though
this seemingly happy-go-lucky
world of youth may seem
appealing, some feel it the
darkest curse imaginable.
The Kokiri seemed to have moved
from their older settlements in
the Forest to a much more
secluded and deeper area. Some
say that the Deku Sprout moved
them, and actually created walls
of plants to block out
Deku Scrubs:
At one time these
creatures were not considered
sentient, but further
investigation has disproved that.
The Deku Scrubs have their own
class of monarchs and commoners
like any other society. Maybe a
Merchent Scrub will sell you
Yet, like the Gorons, the Deku
also experiance much prejudice.
Even the Forest Sage Saria
substituted Deku Scrubs for real
Kokiri using magic, so as not to
harm the innocent ones.
Though the only Kinokans
Link and Co. have met are Yomil,
Darkrova, and Kinopia, it is
fairly obvious that they are
their own race. This race seems
to be the most like Humans, at
least aesthetically - even more
so than the Gerudos. The only
difference between a Kinokan is
their unpointed ears. What other
differences there may be ae not
All of the new races that
evolved as a result of the Death
Mountain cataclysm are
categorized as mutants. Here is a
list of them.
- Winged
Like their name suggests.
these Hylians developed wings.
It is not known whether any
other differences occured,
other than being irritable,but
these flying humanoids now
function in the
post-apocolyptic world.
- Oni:
- Zora:
The Zora fled to Hylia
Bay in the erruption, but were
not sparred in its aftermath.
Though not in the magical
field that Darkrova developed
that corrupted and aged
Hyrule, the waters of Hylia
Bay still became acidic. The
Zora mutated into creatures
with multi-colored scales to
survive the waters, but sadly,
most of the elders died before
the process was complete,
including King Zora. Yet these
creatures of gentile nature
still exist in this dark
- Gordrill:
The Gorons of Death
Mountian were corrupted into
hateful beings covered in
deadly drills with which they
burrow. Their thick hides
protect them from most damage,
but appearently water seems to
stop them.
- Kokiri:
Whether or not these
corrupted insectoid children
should be considered sentient
is still being debated. These
creatures roam the scoarched
Forest in deadly packs,
picking off any survivors.
Nontheless, Saria still
watches over them.
- Ponta:
These furry little
creatures somehow evolved into
the Dark Hyrule. It is not
known why they were not
corrupted by Darkrova's magic,
but they seem to be boystrous
and love to celebrate and
sing. They now live in parts
of the Forest.