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The Legend of Zelda: Balance of Power


The Story So Far
The Newest Installment

Characters: Side of Light
Characters: Side of Dark
Characters: Wild Card
Characters: Support
Characters: Unknown
Characters: Hunters
Characters: Shadow Girl
Characters: Divine
Characters: Deceased

Enchanted Items
Important Locations

Enchanted Items

Detailed (Okay, Maybe Not) Bios of the Items that Our Heroes Encounter

This page is for all the non-living important things to the story. So these are items and whatnot.

The Triforce:

The legendary gift of the Goddesses said to grant any wish to any who touch it. After many attempts to capture this item, the former Sages of Hyrule hid the Triforce in wherabouts currently unknown.

The Pendant:

The mysterious pendant which the Madame Moda gives to Link. The pendant periodically changes, displaying different people's portraits inside. Moda calls them 'Players'. The Pendant also plays a melody that changes with the portrait. Link accidentally awoke the Great Fairy Somaria when the Pendant played 'Zelda's Lullaby'.

Currently, the Pendant has little importance or power left.

The Master Sword:

The Sword of Evil's Bane, the Legendary Weapon and Key to Time seems to have been nothing more than a myth when Link finds its ancient and rusted remains in the Temple of Time. It was revealed that the Master Sword is in Anthy's 'posession', yet no one seems to really know the reason for this. Anthy herself never mentioned the reasons either. The girl with hair of lavender tells Link that they must go to the Forest Temple in order to make the Master Sword whole and that the Sword she creates isn't complete. That appearently meant merging the Master Sword with Link's Father's sword, making it physical once again.

Book of Durak:

A mysterious book which is said to have the power to save Hyrule. It is currently hidden in another realm and is the reason why Link and his friends must find the Master Sword so they can travel time and collect the Talismans needed to release th book. It is said that it contains all knowledge.

The Key of Durak:

One of the safegaurds preventing any person to read from the Book of Durak. This Key is paramount to opening the Book's knowledge. In a twist of Fate, it is revealed that Darkrova possesses the Key.

Somaria's Talismans:

Three powerful Talismans given to Urius by Somaria. When Urius revieved teh Book of Durak from Derdekea, he used the three Talismans at once to seal it where no mortal could reach it, yet it turned out that the Book of Durak is needed if Hyrule is to be saved. The Three Talismans take ten years to restore their energy, and only they can brake the seal put on the Book of Durak. Link now journeys to find these Talismans in the future so he can save Hyrule.

The Harmony Blade:

A legendary sword of the Zora. Draco recieves it after helping the Zora in the Rain Temple from Princess Luto.

The Hookshot:

An item that Draco found among his journeys with Luto. The device consists of a sharp point attached to a chain. The pointed end, or Hook, is launched off through mechinery, an is able to latch on to certain objects. With th epress of a button, the chain retracts, pulling anyone strong enough to hold onto the Hookshot to a new destination.

Bow and Arrow

Link is given this gift by the former Forest Sage Saria. As far as anyone can tell, it is just a standard bow and arrow.


Along with the bow and arrow, Link finds a mysterious Ocarina. This device is able to play melodies, some of which are enchanted and possess mystical powers.